Welcome to your 21 Days to Freedom!

The most advanced Spiritual Practice for raising your level of consciousness. Are you ready for this level of transformation?


YOU are being invited to take your life to the next level

Read below to find out how you can join and begin increasing your spiritual wealth today


You can stay safe, abundant, happy and at peace with life no matter what’s going on.

Once you learn how to ascend in your level of consciousness, there are no limits as to how far you can progress or the wonders you can achieve. You can attain everything. Learn how to:

  • Raise your level of consciousness
  • Increase your spiritual accumulation
  • Align yourself with the new paradigm
  • Stay focused and clear on your progress, and helps to organize your life practically for maximum benefit.
  • Instantly dissolve negative thinking, negative emotions and energy into thin air – as if ‘poof’ these worries and troubles are gone

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

In the 21 Days for Freedom Course, you’ll increase your level of consciousness, fill your spiritual bank account and automatically magnetize your heart’s true desires


In The Next 21 Days, You Could

  • Attract true happiness
  • Attract True Love
  • Have a consistent  flow of wealth
  • Live your dharma
  • Do what you love and get paid
  • Be Happy, healthy and radiant

When you ascend in your level of consciousness and fill up your spiritual wealth stocks, good fortune and ease become the new norm on all levels of your life. We’ll cover it all in 21 Days for Freedom Course.


Your 21 Days to Freedom

Do you want to become a magnet for lasting peace, freedom, joy and abundance?

This 21 Day Spiritual Journey to increase your level of consciousness, fill your spiritual bank account and automatically magnetize your heart’s true desires. You’ll learn how to:

  • Understand the deepest answers to life’s most pressing questions.
  • Connect to the Source of all spiritual power; the Presence that loves you and fills you with peace and the answers you seek.
  • Map out your ‘wealth’ accumulation – seeing practically how much wealth you are accumulating in your spiritual bank account. 

Go Beyond Superficial, Old-Paradigm, Short-Term Change that doesn’t last. These Exclusive New Tools Can Now Bring this State of Supreme Freedom, Real Soul Connection and Abundance into Your Life within Weeks


What People Are Saying About This Program

"I couldn't imagine my life without this program"

“The Freedom Course was very deep and extraordinary. It’s something I keep coming back to. I LOVE the audio. As always
 the meditations were superb. From the course, I have learned that I still must continue to delve deeper to gain Eternal Freedom. I am a wonderful work in progress. It is amazing how much I have grown and my mission in life has grown over the past 3 years. The 21 Days for Freedom Tools continue to be a powerful resource for me and I couldn’t imagine my life without them.”

- Amy Miller

Transcendence Theatre Company

“This is not the same old stuff, if you want your life to take a miraculous change for the better, then sign up now.”

“I fully recommend this course if you want to have more clarity,more peace, more contentment, direction and more connection with what’s real and divine in your life. The daily support and informative discussions and information sharing goes above and beyond expectations as Michael generously shares his love, knowledge and wisdom in an intensive life changing program.”

- Shelley Hanna

Author, Registered Psychologist and Jewelry Designer

“I experienced my own spirituality and had breakthroughs on all levels of my life like never before.”

“The Eternal Freedom Course was life changing. It is more experiential, and less about theory. It taught me how to live my life as my true self, rather than from my ego. I began attracting more and more opportunity into my life and business. It was as if by magic, the universe responded to my elevated consciousness.”

- Karl Uselman

Technology Consultant and Productivity Expert


What's Included In This FREE Course...

21 Days to Freedom Leading Edge Spiritual Technology

Your complete guide to awakening your Higher Self, raising your level of consciousness, and living a life of personal freedom, spiritual attainment, and unlimited wealth on all levels. You will receive an audio or meditation each day of your 21 days to Freedom which will:

  • Unlock your intellect and open your Mind to higher truth, awareness and freedom
  • Raise your level of consciousness and you will experience greater spiritual power and peace instantly
  •  Help you get the answers to life’s deepest questions, such as, Who am I, really? And how do I live a successful spiritual life and create good karma and fortune for myself?

4 Guided Freedom Meditations

These 30-60 minute guided meditations will connect you to the Source of all spiritual power; the Presence that loves you and fills you with peace and the answers you seek. The more you connect with this Presence, the happier, healthier and wealthier you become. The Specific Topics of each Freedom Meditation are as follows:

  • The 3 Worlds: Did you know there are more worlds than just one? You can stop being trapped and limited by this physical world, and experience two magical places.
  • Companion Detached Observer: Meet your eternal companion and learn how to live life in an effortless flow of ease, wealth and freedom.
  • Non-dual Meditation: Tap into the experience of non-duality in an instant. Liberation in a second

  • Watching your Creation: Leverage the abundance in your reality with the ability to see your creation clearly.

Your Spiritual Awakening PDFs

Keep stock of your spiritual and financial accumulation with this invaluable resource

Your companion PDFs go hand-in-hand with your 21 awakening audios. This powerful ascension companion helps you to

  • Stay focused and clear on your progress
  • Organize your life practically for maximum benefit.
  • Map out your ‘wealth’ accumulation – seeing practically how much wealth you are accumulating in your spiritual bank account. 
  • Start to see changes in your experience of external wealth as you are going through this course, too. As within, so without.

Bonus Meditations

  • Manmanabhav Advanced: The most powerful spiritual practice in the world

You will be able to instantly dissolve negative thinking, negative emotions, and energy into thin air – as if ‘poof’ these worries and troubles are gone. 

  • Expanded Consciousness: Open your mind to a state of self-mastery

This meditation helps you be fortunate all the time. It brings you into a state of awareness in which you are completely open to allowing in the life you want and the opportunities that are truly for your highest good. You will feel rooted in who you really are, and your entire Being will be a magnet for joy, synchronicity, love, and wealth.


Our Students Love ♄ This Course

“Thank you for having the ability to share such vastness in a way that really helps one experience IT.”

“I’m so thankful to be able to witness more easily and be in grace more frequently. The Eternal Freedom Course brought me into a state of consciousness where I could suddenly attract that which was in my mind and on my heart. So so profound. Michael guides you into realizing the most important and deepest truths.”

- Cindy Aikman

Naam Yoga Instructor

“I’m a Changed Person. The magic of how things change after you go through ‘The Purifier’. Yes. You did a good job on this course. Thanks for being Authentic and Sharing Your Wisdom

“What I’ve learned and enjoyed In the Eternal Freedom Course and what’s been Meaningful: Knowing your makeshift home made model for the relationship of the Mind, Physical world, 3rd eye, subconscious, and purifier/Companion. It’s a great map of reality. Finally getting to know the relationship. Thank You Mike. This makes the understanding of the ‘Purifier’ vs energy very clear. It show chi verses shen as clearly different.”

- Paul S. Mamakos

“This course is something I will most likely listen to over and over since there is so much wisdom contained within it.”

“I finished your 21 days to freedom course and am going back and doing again. This course is something I will most likely listen to over and over since there is so much wisdom contained within it. I have been listening to your meditations daily and am really trying to connect more deeply with my companion.

It’s been so beautiful to see even just for a moment the truth of what you’re teaching. I still have a long way to go but just those little glimpses of bliss are enough to keep me moving forward.”

- Naia Scherer